Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tarokka Thursday

Question: What's in store for Chateau Malchance?

7 of Wands (Thoth: Valour)
The Chariot
Knight of Pentacles (Thoth: Prince of Pentacles)

There are two approaches to a Three Card Spread: Context, Focus, Outcome or the more stereotypical Past, Present, Future.

Elements: Fire-Water-Earth. This is a particularly balanced reading since we have Fire/M, Water/F, Earth/F-M (Knight).
A knight/prince in a reading often signifies a particular person; who could it be?

PPF: What a hilarious reading. It basically says on the surface, "GO, HEROES!" So it's looking pretty good for a Ravenloft group! We're all heroes under destiny facing "up forces stronger than [ourselves], situations that at first sight seem hopeless, yet we'll have to use all that we've learned and fight" (1), charging forward (2), to slowly grow and work through our problem.
But wait, what about the dark side of this reading?
Watch words: Even when not reversed, The Chariot is a powerful and contradictory card. It means "at its best, victory and success" but at worst "overestimation and recklessness." Don't mix your armor with your soul, either. Now, the Prince of Pentacles can be stubborn. To the point of stagnation.
What does this mean for Ravenloft? You're blindly charging down the wrong path, idiots. Be careful.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

L'homme de la foret -- le chasseur

  • Nicholas believes he is the legendary Benoit, a revolutionary
  • He has "at least twenty" allies, according to the Twins
  • He is actively hunting the necromentals

The Corpse Hounds

Dead Earth Weirds, aka Corpse Hounds, aka Necromentals
  • Attached to the Mirror Cult?
    •  followed the commands of Anne-Marie's ghost
    • had a man guarding them with a heraldic key?
  • might have befouled the water that leads to Port-a-Lucine?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Le culte du miroir

The Cult killed three Ezran acolytes, several gendarmes, turned Cedolin into a mirror monster, killed Rachel (or the Weirds killed her), tried to kill the PCs, and did some kind of freaky ritual with the Icon of Ezra.

Death is Dead

Chapter 1:
Death has died, she has died, etc.

Chapter 2:
Atropos - "death" is on the roster of those passed

"You took the book with you as you departed. No one was going to miss it, hopefully, and this was a mystery that deserved continued study." Cyrus was the last to hold it.